Mining machines

The mining industry is an important part of the global economy. With RDL Hydraulics, this branch of the global economy is functioning well.


We offer solutions for every stage of the energy process, including renewable energy.

Working machines

Work machines work in all terrain and weather conditions. RDL Hydraulics supports their operation.

Machinery industry

We expect reliability from machines for years to come. RDL Hydraulics components are its guarantee!

Paper industry

The pulp and paper industry is undergoing continuous modernisation processes.
RDL Hydraulics does its best to meet today's demands.

Maritime and rail transport

Intermodal transport is crucial for logistics and the global supply chain. RDL Hydraulics supplies components for its operation.

Comprehensive solutions for industrial hydraulics:

Expert advisory

As a client of RDL Hydraulics, you can count on full support in the field of repairs and modernization of systems and power hydraulics installations.
A professional staff of experts has knowledge, skills and experience confirmed by many implementations.
They will advise in every area of any application from all branches of industry.
we will:
- analyze the project correctness,
- help in the preparation of documentation,
- analyze the system operation,
- find the cause of the failure,
- indicate the processes requires reconstruction and improvement,
- select components,
- help with assembly.
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Design and solutions implementation.

Tailor-made projects. You can count on our support from the very beginning when the idea just appears. We will listen to you, design your system, select components, and develop construction documentation with hydraulic diagrams.
We will also help you to go ahead with our common idea. Supervise the implementation works or we will take care of them ourselves. We will support you obtain the appropriate certificates, permits and approvals for work.
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Design and
solutions implementation.

produkcja i dystrybucja - Home

Production and distribution

we offer special designs of hydraulic cylinders, mobile hydraulic power units, valve blocks. We also make hydraulic stands for components control and test benches for didactic use.
We distribute power hydraulics components of the highest quality from renowned manufacturers.
Did you know that Star Hydraulics servo valves controlled the SpaceX Merlin Engine Thrusters?
HAWE Micro Fluid hydraulic locking units guarantees safety to passengers during roller coasters rides.
If you chose an elevator today instead of stairs, it is very likely that the Seim screw pump helped you reach your destination.
Sun Hydraulics components are part of the Antares rocket lift and support system. It's a control system responsible for lifting the Antares rocket prior to launch and then retracting the lift structure away from the rocket during launch
You can find components of all these renowned manufacturers and many others in our offer.proper service saves your money, extends the durability of the components used.
We provide full, after-sales technical support, including post-warranty, sale of spare parts and repair of hydraulic components. We will also service units that have not been purchased from us.
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and distribution

serwis i utrzymanie ruchu - Home

Service and maintenance

proper service saves your money, extends the durability of the components used.
We provide full, after-sales technical support, including post-warranty, sale of spare parts and repair of hydraulic components. We will also service units that have not been purchased from us.
We will be your partner in maintenance. We will carry out Inspections, diagnostics, and necessary measurements, also at our clients' facilities.
We are the only authorized Poclain Hydraulics service in Poland.
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and maintenance

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We conduct technical training in the field of:
• basics of oil hydraulics,
• hydraulic drives and control in industrial applications,
• power hydraulics used in mobile machines,
• electronic systems for controlling the operation of proportional hydraulic valves and servo valves.
The training includes both theoretical and practical parts.
Experienced trainers will prepare clear and practical teaching materials, they will approach each student individually and make sure that they do not leave the class without understanding the issue.
When preparing the practical part, we also support ourselves with the experience and knowledge of universities such as the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Military University of Technology.
We suit the training program for the client's needs.

After completing the course you will:
• easily move with the hydraulic diagrams and technical documentation,
• know, how each element of power hydraulics work,
• know the operation principle of more or less complex hydraulic systems - you decide how far you want to explore the subject.
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Design and
solutions implementation.


and distribution


and maintenance



RDL Hydraulics - Leader in oil hydraulics and industrial installations

20 years
of experience

scope of activities

and speed of operation





We are present, both on the Polish and foreign market. We change and develop, while maintaining what is most important to us, namely the desire to provide our customers with products and services, increasing their efficiency and safety to a higher level.
przemysl maszynowy - Home

Machine industry

We expect machines to work reliably for years.
For this reason, their producers compete in innovative ideas that are to result in increasing profitability. Our offer includes components from manufacturers who are leaders in the machinery industry.
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energetyka - Home

Power engineering

We offer solutions for each stage of the energy process, also for the so-called renewable green energy.
From raw material extraction to processing. We implement new solutions, thereby increasing the customer's technological advantage.
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przemysl papierniczy - Home

Pulp and paper industry

The pulp and paper industry is constantly modernized. Machines and devices are modified to meet today's high requirements.
Well-thought-out processes and high-quality equipment allow for reliable and safe operation. We contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of the paper industry processes by providing knowledge, experience and high-class components.
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maszyny gornicze - Home

Mining machinery

The market of mining machinery and equipment is an area that absolutely requires professionalism, reliability and precision.
We offer solutions from manufacturers whose components have proven themselves in these responsible working conditions for many years.
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transport morski - Home

Maritime and rail transport

Trade, in which each of us is a participant, does not exist without transport, regardless of whether it is freight or passenger. Its usability and efficiency have an impact on the comfort of our everyday life. Transport happens in the background and often remains unaware.
Realizing the importance of the effectiveness of their services, we help our partners in the transport industry to guarantee reliability. They can count on our solutions, so we can rely on their work.
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Working machines

Working machines must stay active in all terrain and weather conditions. Steep ascents, moisture, heat, mud, dust, constant vibrations and strokes cannot be a reason to give up the task, the more that these machines often do not have a replacement.
Their service should be efficient and uncomplicated, repair quick so downtime could be as short as possible. Above all, they should be reliable. In our offer, you will find components specially adapted for mobile use, produced by world leaders in this industry.
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About Us

RDL Hydraulics Sp. z o.o.

RDL Hydraulics Sp. z o. o. started its activity in 2004. It is a leader in the sale of components, service and solutions for oil hydraulics and industrial installations.
We want RDL Hydraulics Sp. z o. o. to be seen as competent and reliable, meeting the expectations of our current and future customers.

Beata Block
CEO of RDL Hydraulics Sp. z o.o.